Family Self Sufficiency Program (FSS)

Dover Housing Authority provides participants in the federally funded Housing Choice Voucher Program the opportunity to save part of their rent increase when they earn more money at work through the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program.


What is FSS?
The FSS program is designed to support you in accomplishing your goals and building a stable financial future. It is a voluntary program that DHA runs.

How does it work?

The Family Self-Sufficiency program (FSS) helps individuals and families support themselves so they no longer need public assistance. The program is voluntary and available to most adults who participate in the Housing Choice Voucher program through DHA. Participants must have a desire to become self-sufficient
and a willingness to take the steps necessary to make it happen.

Participation is open to anyone: employed or unemployed, students or those wanting to attend school, married couples or single persons.

FSS is a voluntary five-year program. In the program, you will set your own long-term goals and work with a FSS Coordinator to achieve them.

Some goals include going back to school, saving for retirement, buying a home, starting a business, paying down debt, and more.

You’ll meet regularly with your FSS Coordinator who will help you build a plan that supports you in your income, credit, debt, savings, and long-term goals.

In the FSS Program, you are rewarded when you earn more money at work. When you, or a household member, increase your earned income (by a raise, new job or extra hours), you get to save part of your monthly rent increase in your FSS Savings Account. You can use these savings towards your goals in the program.

Where can I find more information?
For more information on this program, including how to join, please contact the FSS Department by calling 603-742-5804 and pressing the prompt for the FSS Department.